calling all youth 6th grade thru high school – come join us for newday southeast at ridgecrest conference center 


Newday is an annual gathering of youth groups from the Southeast Confluence family of churches. It’s a time to build friendships, grow in faith, and, most importantly, encounter Jesus. It is open to students that are rising 6th grade through recently graduated high school seniors. 

Get ready for powerful worship, inspiring teaching, meaningful small group discussions, and plenty of fun.


We will spend time worshipping together as well as hearing teaching from our Confluence leaders.


This is a great opportunity to connect with other Youth, build deep relationships, eat together, and have lots of fun hanging out!


We have a packed week of worship, teaching, food, and fun!


DATE: July 8th – 11th, 2025
CHECK IN: 4pm – 5:30pm

Ridgecrest Conference Center
1 Ridgecrest Dr, Ridgecrest, NC 28770


What is the cost?

– $265 per camper which includes registration, housing, and food for the week! 50% payment is due at time of registration with the remaining amount will be due by June 24th.

Is this the same location as Celebration Southeast?

– Yes! Newday Southeast will happen at Ridgecrest Conference Center which hosts our Celebration Southeast Conference!

How will Newday coincide with Celebration Southeast?

– Newday runs Tuesday, July 8th thru Friday, July 11th. The Youth will continue to stay on Ridgecrest Campus until Celebration Southeast starts the evening of Friday, July 11th.

When is the registration deadline? 

– Registration Deadline for Newday ends June 8th, 2025. Any cancellations after June 16th will have $117 withheld from total reimbursements to cover housing costs.



For more info, please contact Rachel Grammatic at or call 573-280-9900